Comics and Graphic Novels

Chris’ Comics: Batgirl #48

Batgirl #48 Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr, Rob Haynes, Serge Lapointe, Lee Loughridge DC $2.99 BABS TARR!! BLACK CANARY!! CO-O-ah dang, I almost had enough things that started with “B”to warrant a “BACKGIRL” gag. ::: […]

Comics and Graphic Novels

Chris’ Comics: Grayson 16

  Grayson #16 Tim Seeley,  Tom King, Mikel Janin, Jeromy Cox DC $3.99 This week, Grayson reaches new heights of awesome, some of which resulted in me almost losing my composure in public several times. […]

DC Comics

Chris’ Comics: Batgirl #47

Batgirl #47 Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher, Eleonora Carlini, Moritat, Serge Lapointe DC $2.99  I’m a reasonable critic, or I’ve lied to myself enough times to fully believe that I am. I understand that fill in […]