Comics for the Holidays Part 1

Comics for the Holidays Part 1By Unkie Dev

With the holiday’s blowing down our collective houses of twigs like the big bad wolf of unavoidable economic reality it’s great to know that the hard working sales assistants of the Forbidden Planet are ready to help find the perfect gifts for the folks on your shopping lists.

Here are ten can’t miss graphic novels for folks you care about. Not liking any of these books could be an early indication that your friend is turning into one of the legion of the undead. Bummer.

Here in no particular order is a handy-dandy shopping list we like to call: Unkiedev’s Top Ten Graphic Novel’s I’d Recommend for ANYBODY for the Holidays or whenever.

10. Spiral-Bound, (W/A) Arron Renier, Top Shelf

Pretty much the most charming comic book of all time, Spiral-bound is the story of young animals solving a mystery about a gigantic swamp dragon while working for a literally underground newspaper during summer camp.

Incredible art and thrilling storytelling make this book the high-water mark of fun. Perfect for kids and adults who haven’t forgotten what being a kid is like.

9. Watchmen, (W)Alan Moore, (A) Dave Gibbons, DC

There is a reason Watchmen is world famous. Alan Moore’s incredible reinvention of comic books may be one of the most debated, misunderstood and controversial works from the past 30 years of comic book history… but it’s also one hell of a fun ride.

I got this for my Dad five years ago. He read it and loved it. My dad’s also a forgetful guy, so he called me up this year begging for me to get him a copy for Christmas THIS YEAR. Done and done.

8. Umbrella Academy Vol. 1, (W) Gerard Way, Gabriel Ba (A), Dark Horse

Written by a rock-star and drawn by a hot up and comer, Umbrella Academy feels like the coolest comic book in town. Dada, Super-heroes and action blended in a mixer and then turned up to 11.  Weird, can’t miss fun!

7. ANY Marvel Essential Collection Vol. 1

Pick up ANY essential Marvel collection with a number 1 on it and you’ll have an inexhaustible treasure trove of hilariously fun, fabulous fisticuffs and flash! I HIGHLY recommend Hulk or Amazing Spider-Man!

Have fun in the classic Silver Age of comics, when continuity was fast and loose but the story’s were tighter than a steal drum, and twice as whip-smart!

6. Batman: The Long Halloween, (W) Jeph Loeb, (A) Tim Sale, DC

When this book came out it was great, though as time continues this grows evermore a classic! One of the most riveting Batman stories of all time, Long Halloween is a showcase of why we love Batsy: Colorful characters, daring-escapes and fights as well as twisty detective work. The last Batman movie borrows pretty heavily from this graphic novel.

WHOOPS! Looks like this will have to be a shopping guide part 1. If you still need help with your holiday hand-outs be sure to read next weeks column. Till then: Don’t Panic!