Free Comic Book Day 2011 (is coming)!

By Unkiedev

Logic states that any article regarding Free Comic Book Day should be written in order to glorify and promote. As the day in question is the first Saturday of May, one MIGHT logically write about it NEXT week, as it’s closer to the actual date so as to inspire participation…but this fails to take into account that people might have made plans for that day.

By promoting Free Comic Book Day (May7th) two weeks ahead of time, it gives you gals and guys ample time to cancel any and all obligations that morning so that you can be here at Forbidden Planet bright and early to catch all the eponymous free comics!

Unkiedev’s Helpful Guide to Ditching Engagements on Free Comic Book Day (May 7th) WITHOUT LYING

7. Had plans for mimosa and steak brunch with pals? “Ooh, sorry guys,” you’ll say,  “a famous detective needs my help that morning solving an international mystery.”  THIS will NOT be a lie, thanks to Inspector Gadget from Viper Comics!  YES the good Inspector’s adventures are silly, wacky and bonkers. That’s what makes them fun!

6. Remember that unexpected trip you had to take to Baltimore?  Well remember it now, as it’s the perfect excuse to visit the comic shop and pick up the latest issue of Mike Mignola’s Baltimore from Dark Horse. I’ve been to Baltimore the city and believe me, a gothic WWI era bloodbath about Vampires will be far preferable to visiting the REAL place!

5. “I’m sorry Derek,” you can explain while breaking that early morning blind date to the MET. “I really need to check out the Arid Groin of a Pious Nurse.” NOT A LIE, just an anagram: Arid Groin Nurse Pious = Super Dinosaur Origin from Image comics!  This was a comic I SHOULD have plugged last week but other dinosaur related comics shoved it from my attention.  THIS IS A MUST HAVE for May 7th.  Good luck rescheduling your date after that excuse.

4.  Make sure you tell your boss you’re having vision problems and you can’t go to work on Saturday May 7th because you will be: You just can’t see yourself missing out on Pep Comics Featuring Betty and Veronica from Archie comics!

3.  YES your guild will be disappointed that you ditched farming Zul’Drak near Northrend in WoW to go pick up the free issue of Blackest Night from DC, so don’t tell them, you ninny.  Tell them you have an exclusive premier to a huge summer movie.

This one is a fair stretch of the truth, but since this issue is a tie-in with the summer’s Flashpoint storyline, once it’s in your hot little hands you won’t care WHAT happens to those dang Drakkari Ice Trolls.

2. “Yes I know I promised I would give blood and help feed the homeless at the soup kitchen this weekend, but I have to go to the comic book shop and get a free issue of the Amazing Spider-Man.  You can understand that, can’t you?” Sometimes the best excuses are the truth.

1. This last comic book is so important, so awesome, and so exciting that there is only one excuse both believable and accurate to protect you from scrutiny. “I can’t do X, as I have achieved Nirvana and have transcended to a state of bliss.”

I promise you will once you have the preview issue of Avatar: The Last Airbender from Dark Horse. Pretty much the best cartoon show of the past ten year is now heading to the Forbidden Planet to continue the adventures of Ang, Toph, Sakka and Kitara!

Ok, Excuses armed? Then “On your mark, get set…WAIT til May 7th!”
About Devin T. Quin 199 Articles
More musings from Unkiedev, Earth's own sidekick, can be read at