New from Sentai

Funimation Sacred Blacksmith anime dvd

Manga releases are finally coming in in waves instead of drips, and there’ s plenty interesting to read, but there’s also plenty to watch.  Let’s dip into anime news this week since I rarely get to talk about DVDs (partially because, for a long time now, there hasn’t been much to talk about).

Funimation Sacred Blacksmith anime dvdJanuary saw the release of the first Black Butler DVD(!) set, and that’s only the beginning.  Sentai Film works is starting to pick up the pace with their releases, so Funimation isn’t the only DVD publisher on the market. Not that I’m putting anyone down. Funimation recently put out the first part of The Sacred Blacksmith where a girl named Cecily makes a terrible knight as she doesn’t like violence and usually ends up as the damsel in distress-  that is until she meets Luke, a blacksmith who forges magical weapons of awesome strength for her. And just in time too, since someone is unleashing demons upon the land.

Sentai Filmworks also put out the complete Koihime Muso in January.  In this series, a girl named Aisha takes the name Kan’u and vows vengeance on the bandits who destroyed her family and village.  She treks across the ruins of a nation living by the steel of her sword and her will becoming a beacon to other women as a force for change, ultimately battling the face of evil for the fate of a nation and becoming the soul of a new people.  Pretty damn epic, and maybe a little yuri.

Koihime Muso Anime Dvd
Koihime Muso

There’s actually quite a few other new things to check out, but if I blabbed it all here, you’d never have a chance to get out of the house and explore, now would you? Til next time folks.

Ja Ne!