Comics and Graphic Novels

Chris’ Comics: Spider-Woman #3

Spider-Woman #3 Dennis Hopeless, Javier Rodriguez, Albardo Lopez, Racehelle Rosenberg Marvel $3.99 WHAT I EXPECTED GOING INTO THIS ARC: Jessica Drew struggling with pregnancy and being a super hero. WHAT I GOT INSTEAD: Die Hard, […]

Comics and Graphic Novels

Chris’ Comics: Spider-Woman #9

Spider-Woman #9 Dennis Hopeless, Javier Rodriguez, Alvardo Lopez Marvel $3.99 Javier Rodriguez is a beast y’all. I’ve been a fan of both Spider-Woman and Javier for awhile. Jessica Drew is my wife’s favorite Avenger, and […]

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Marvel Comics

We got it all on FP Transmissions.

Jeff and Vita rapped about the new releases this week as Javier (of Minimate minute fame) and I slaved over a massive shipment with thousands of awesome comics including Slott’s Silver Surfer and Sandman Overture […]