The Return from Otakon 2012

Well everybody, I’m back from Otakon! It was quite an awesome adventure, and definitely one of the best cons I’ve had this year, and perhaps ever. I’d say the only really detracting factor for me was being in a room with a horribly loud snorer that made sleeping the first night… quite difficult. But hey, earplugs were invented just for this occasion. But anyway, enough rambling about that crap, let’s get on to the real reason why we’re here: the Gunpla contest and all the stuff shown at the Tamashii Nations/Bluefin booth!

Oh, remember how in one of my previous articles, I was talking about how I was going to enter a ton of kits this year? Well, it turns out there was a limit of only three entries. I’m glad I filled out the entry form online, because otherwise I would’ve brought about seven kits for nothing. Because of this, I decided to narrow things down to just the F91, Delta Plus, and the Qubeley, because despite all the problems I had with that thing, I’ll be damned if it wasn’t coming along.

I was one of the first people to get my kits put in the case, so I was able to land myself some prime real estate. I stuck my three kits in the top of the front case, with the Qubeley front and center just being fabulous.

The competition was pretty good this year. I was happy to see people bringing all sorts of well-assembled kits. It was nothing like New York Comic-con though… seriously, I’m afraid to enter there. However, for some reason, there was no Otakon competition this year, just GBWC. Even the people running the competition were confused about the lack of an Otakon competition. Apparently the Otakon people just never got back to them. As a result, the contest was limited to just Gundam stuff this year.

I can’t remember everyone’s names, so I’m going to list of the kits that won each category.

Best SD: Sinanju
Best 1/144 Out of Box: Geara Zulu
Best 1/100 Out of Box: Qubeley (Mine)
Best 1/144: Gouf Custom (My friend Chris’s entry)
Best 1/100: Gundam Epyon (Monty’s entry)
Best in Show: Qubeley Mark. II Master Grade

Yeah I was pretty bummed that I lost out to another Qubeley (which did have a lot more work put into it), but I actually liked my prize more anyway. I got an MG AGE-1 Titus, while they got an MG Marasai. Apparently my kit was close to winning Best in Show, but a few flaws kept it from that. But hey, I still got something.

Sadly the booth didn’t have any prototypes on display like they did at SDCC, but as usual; they did have all of their existing products on display in all sorts of amusing poses, especially the Kamen Riders, though my favorite probably goes to Space Godzilla munching on Wing Gundam Zero’s Buster Rifle.

Overall, it was a great con, and I left with some seriously awesome swag, including the Limited Edition Banshee kit they were selling at the con. Remember folks, you can always check by FPNYC for your Gunpla, especially with NYCC coming up!