Troy’s Toys, Todd’s Turn

I’ll be honest; from time to time, I forget that McFarlane Toy’s are still around. Which is probably due to the fact that I’m not 13 anymore so I don’t give a damn about Spawn, and for the longest time they were making cheap statues trying to pass as action figures. Then I guess some time passed as they made smaller figures and picked up the Halo license and here we are today! I’m going with a McFarlane Toy-theme article today because….well because. Screw logic and/or reasoning.

First up we have the debut line of McFarlane’s Assassin’s Creed line. This is a nice lead in as it’s also something else I stopped caring about. TODAY I AM THE SNARKIEST CHRIS! Too be fair, there’s been a ton of Ass Creed games and toys so I’ve lost count which ones were good and which are bad. But apparently Todd and friends secured the right to make toys based on AC3 and the upcoming Ass Creed 4, so we have some pretty good looking 6″ figures out now. Each figure sports 20 something points of articulation, and a code for downloadable content for AC4 as well as few accessories, so you’re definitely getting your money’s worth, especially when you consider how good they look. Series 1 consists of  Connor, Edward and Haytham Kenway, Benjamin Hornigold and Ratonhnhake:Ton and retail for about $18 a pop.

While I’m fairly certain the company has stopped making Spawn toys, they’ve found a new comics cash cow in Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead. And in a genius power move, McFarlane has 2 different series, one based on the super popular television series and another based on the comics. The 4th wave of the TV series isn’t due out until  the fall (not unlike the 4th season-SYNERGY!), but we DO have the 2nd comics series now in stock, so there is still way to give us your cash-monies! The 2nd wave consists of ultra-baddie The Governor, his ZOMBIE DAUGHTER Penny, Glenn and series badass Michonne’s pet zombie Mike. These are $17 a piece, are stupid articulated and come with a butt ton of accessories/variant parts. And if you’re in the mood for something colored like the comics, there’s a black and white Governor & Penny 2-pack  that comes with all sorts of MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY accessories. That one’s a tad more expensive obviously. But hey, they’re 100% more Charles Adlard-accurate, which is dope.

EVERYONE SHUT UP, I JUST REMEMBERED THAT FOOTBALL IS BACK IN A FEW SHORT DAYS! Also McFarlane also makes NFL figures, and they’re very much still very small statues. Some things never change. There’s also the more articulate Playmakers line, but the less said about those, the better. Anywho, this wave has a ton of dudes I’ve drafted in a number of Fantasy leagues- Arian Foster, Robert Griffin the 3rd, Ray Rice, Jordy Nelson, Vernon Davis, Andy Dalton, Peyton Manning and Antonio Brown. If most of those names are foreign to you, I thank you for reading this far. Again, they look like the guys they’re based on, so that’s good. Aside from that, there’s not much worth ’em unless you’re into football, or into collectible toys which a crazy number of rare variants. They go for $15 a pop.

That’s all for this one. Hopefully I’ll remember the company still exists before another year goes bye, HARF HARF SNARF!