A Correction

Occasionally, we here at the Forbidden Planet do make mistakes. Worse, we might not realize our mistake and publish it online or in the pages of the Daily Planet even after (ha) an extremely (HA HA) rigorous (HA HA HA) round of fact checking (BWAA-HA HA!) We would therefore like to take this opportunity to apologize and print a correction.

LAST WEEK, and indeed in many of the previous installments of Unkiedev’s Amazing Stuff, Unkiedev did not mention nor heap any praise onto cartoonist Cameron Stewart. This was completely in error and we’d like to rectify that slip up now.

Cameron Stewart is incredible, a sensational  artist of such dramatic talent and skill that one wonders how he could go unnoticed. His framing, pacing and timing, along with his work ethic and humor belie a top notch professional deserving of greater attention. Again, we apologize for the mistake.

How could I have missed this guy?! As the artist on Sea Guy, Batman and Robin, B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth and a longbox full of other swell comics (Most of which I own) Stewart turned in such clear, dependable work it was hard to see the forest through the trees. NO, his style isn’t flashy, nor is it overly cartoony. It has a quiet movement, and a clear design.

The best magic tricks go completely unnoticed. I can only think I’ve overlooked Mr. Stewart this long because I’m an idiot and he’s one of those artists who makes it all seem so effortless you hardly notice his genius till it hits you like a brick.

Check out his work for yourself and see what I mean: http://cameron-stewart.tumblr.com/

We may never be able to fully repair the damage done with this slip up, but we can plug Cameron’s moody webcomic Sin Titulo, published for the first time this week by Dark Horse. Sin Titulo is a creepy son-of-a-bitch, a windy little dream of a Graphic Novel more akin to a Philip K. Dick story than most of the film adaptations of the same.

It’s hard to sum Sin Titulo up, and it is easier to describe than review. It reads like a Richard Sala story, but a bit more Craig Thompson-y. For those who DON’T read the Comics Journal, a more effective description would be “It’s spooky and weird, but not in cheesy horror way.”

In Sin Titulo a young gentlemen quickly loses his girl, car and job investigating a strange photo he finds in his dead grandfather’s effects. What he finds is a world of violence, loneliness and lies, as well as the path to unlocking the secrets of his own mind.

I’m going on record with Sin Titulo as the best gift for folks on your holiday shopping list who like the idea of comics but who have never read anything before. I GUARANTEE you this will be made into a feature film in the next 10 years, adding another “Cool” level of cache to this gift.

NO it is not too early to start your holiday shopping! Hanukah is on Thanksgiving this year, for crying out loud, which surely seems a sign of the End Times. Maybe the Mayans were off by a year or two.


There. I feel better printing that correction. Dark Horse also has a new Empowered special out this week called Empowered Special #5, A Drink With Ninjette. Empowered in a personal favorite, and these stand alone issues are great ways to get acquainted with this strange, sexy title.

DC has more cool 3D villain books, Including The Joker’s Daughter in Batman The Dark Knight #23. IDW has the first issue of their new Power Puff Girls license, as well as their already impressive roster of GI Joe, Transformers,  and the TMNT. Image doesn’t have a leg to stand on this week, just two small books you probably aren’t interested in called Saga#14 and Sex #7. Marvel is also light this week. I mean, you don’t really want to read Guardians of the Galaxy #6, Avengers #20, Deadpool, Wolverine and the X-Men or the always surprising FF, do you?

Nah, I thought not. Get it together, comic book industry. Sheesh.

About Devin T. Quin 199 Articles
More musings from Unkiedev, Earth's own sidekick, can be read at unkiedev.blogspot.com