Go Go Power Rangers Goes Back To The Beginning

It's Morphin' Time! Again! Well, like the first time but different!

Power Rangers Saban Morphin' Time

Welcome back to Angel Grove! I know, I know, I know! Why are we getting another Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers series? Go Go Power Rangers #1 is going to plead its case to you. The series is going to be take place during the early days of Jason, Kim, Trini, Zack, and Billy’s adventures. Set before the time Tommy came on the scene with his awesome Dragon Zord, these will be the personal stories of balancing life with budding space ninja careers. Think the first three seasons of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, but for the Power Rangers…maybe.

There are a lot of questions that are going to be asked of readers. One is about how much you care for these kids outside of their morphin’ time. Will this be a by-the-numbers high school superhero drama? Like Spider-Man? Or Spider-Gwen? Or a dozen other books on the shelves? The biggest question that this series will have to answer, and really this falls on writer Ryan Parrot and artist Dan Mora, is why is it necessary? We may not get that answer until we read the book.

Preview from Go Go Power Rangers #1 Art by Dan Mora

How many Avengers comics are there? Spider-Man? Batman? Superman family of titles? Remember when there were six Green Lantern books at the start of The New 52 era?  There comes a time when more is just more and you start alienating your fanbase. Seriously, look at the current block of Avengers books and their ever declining sales for the risk of splitting your audience. Will we accept this second Might Morphin’ Power Rangers book? Can it be worth the extra money every month we’ll have to allow in our budget? Fortunately, the preview pages released thus far have been solid. Still, after a not uber successful new film and one epic title scratching this itch, this feels like a gamble for BOOM! Let us know if it’s one you’ll roll the dice on.

About Matthew Klein 183 Articles
Matthew is a New York based writer and producer. He's got his own homegrown company, Reign Or Shine Productions that makes kickass theatre and podcasts. For the last couple years he's been working in sales at Valiant Entertainment, seeing comic shops and working at cons all over the country (plus Canada). He loves all things Batman, Valiant, pro-wrestling related and believes in the tooth fairy.

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