Unkiedev’s Amazing Stuff: NYCC Edition!


The New York Comic Con is NEXT WEEKEND, Thursday October 11th through the 14th, and once again it is completely sold out. I’m not going, and possibly you aren’t either. *Sigh* So now what do we do?


10. Write and Draw Your Own Comics! That’s what this is all about, right? Create some great stuff and you’ll be guaranteed a place of honor at next year’s con… That gives you a whole year to develop amazing new books and get them published by a major company.

May I suggest a comic about a talking donut? I’m looking at the market and I ain’t seeing any talking donut comics.

9. Read Some Comics! OH YEAH, that’s what it is really all about! Plus, reading comics will help get you inspired for writing and drawing your own books, guaranteeing you a place in the show next year. This is a phenomenally helpful list, and you are welcome.

Marvel’s AVX #12 is out this week: that is sure to give you some inspiration. Heck, Forbidden Planet is FULL of awesome stuff, just walk in and hand us your money. We’ll take care of you.

8. Rob a Bank. This one seems weird, but it is required for the next two steps. READ ON:

7. Open Your Own Publishing Company. SEE?! I told’cha that bank money would come in handy. I’m thinking about it, you don’t need to write and draw your own comic books. With a big wad of mazzoolah, you can hire the same big names that are going to be AT the NYCC to work on your books for you. You’d like The Amazing Talking Donut written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by Jim Lee, wouldn’t you?

The best part is? Today’s top-tiered creators and visionaries can’t point and laugh at you from inside the con if they’re on your payroll, now can they?

6. Start Your Own Movies and TV Based On Your IPs. NICE! Robert Downey, Jr. will be calling YOU up and begging to be in your latest picture. Robert Kirkman and Joss Whedon will drop whatever they’re up to to come work for you!

5. Develop Your OWN Super Powers! Aw HECK YEAH! This is the best idea yet! Just hang out around some radioactive animals, or invent a flawed teleporter and you will be on the path to super-powered glory. Action Comics #13 is out from DC this week: why not have your parents rocket you to another planet when you were a baby? That worked out great for Superman, it could be a winner for you.

4. Bake Some Cookies.

3. Take Over the World. And why not? What has this puny mudball ever done for you?! With your huge entertainment industry behind you, and your stellar super powers, you will be a rich, unbeatable SUPER TYRANT! You can have Carrie Fisher, The Robot Chicken team and Steve Ellis (creator of High Moon) come to YOUR house and give you a special Comic Con. Did I mention your house will be THE WHITE HOUSE?! NOW MAKE CARRIE FISHER AND ADAM WEST FIGHT!

2. Fly to Another Planet, Take That One Over Too. BWA-HA-HAA! You can keep knocking over worlds like they were broken Weebles! Use the husks of your conquered planets to make a string of cosmic pearls to hang around the metaphorical neck of QUEEN DEATH as she escorts those who would deny you NYCC passes to the UNDERWORLD for all eternity! HA HA HA!

1. Fulfill Your Destiny, Meet and Destroy God and End All of Existence… just don’t be bitter about it.


More musings from Unkiedev, Earth’s own sidekick, can be read at unkiedev.blogspot.com

About Devin T. Quin 199 Articles
More musings from Unkiedev, Earth's own sidekick, can be read at unkiedev.blogspot.com