PREVIEW: November 20, 2019

Kim and Kim TP Vol. 3

I’m excited to see Kim and Kim continue their adventures in space. While I’m a fan of gritty science fiction, I have an softer spot for sci-fi that is absurd and fun. With bright colors, a punk rock attitude, and playful characters, Kim and Kim is an intergalactic escape from everyday life. Readers also are able to relate to the complex characters, despite the wild adventures they go on.  Kim and Kim is a great young adult read, especially for those looking for stories that with queer, femme friendships. This graphic novel continues to put queer and trans women up front, and it’s a breathe of fresh air.

Sabrina the Teenage Witch Vol 1

I adore Kelly Thompson’s Hawkeye: Kate Bishop. Thompson tackles the dichotomy being a superhero as well as being the new girl on the scene. This makes Kate a relatable character despite fighting super villains. If you’re familiar with the character Sabrina, you know,  like Kate Bishop, she also lives a double life as a mortal witch. The graphic novel pulls more from the teenage girl side of Sabrina’s life than does The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, which focuses on the occult. This is especially evident in the art. Veronica and Andy Fish’s illustrations remind me of the 1960s version of Sabrina. The art gives this Sabrina a bubblegum pop of style.

Strange Planet HC

We’re saturated by alien invasion narratives; however, stories about extra terrestrials actively trying to comprehend humanity are few and far between. Strange Planet shows how aliens truly view us. Nathan W Pyle breaks human behavior down to the bare bones, and exposes how bizarre and absurd we are. The art style is adorable and simple, similar to popular webcomics like Woman World by Aminder Dhaliwal and Lobster is the Best Medication by Liz Climo. I’ve followed Pyle’s on Instagram, and I can always count on his comics to brighten my day. I look forward to being able to have a book of his curious creatures in my apartment.

Moomin Dlx HC

Moomin has been around for three generations of my family. We all love Moomin because Moomintro, the main character, is a perfect every man. Despite a basic design, like Fone Bone and Charlie Brown, we all relate to the character and understand exactly what he’s thinking. Lars Jansson continues the legacy of his sister, Tove Jansson, and shows the simple beauty of the world through Moomintro’s eyes. My family will be excited to revisit the whole Moomin crew in this deluxe anniversary edition.


About Caitlin Chappell 25 Articles
After acting as assistant director on the play Famous in Los Angeles, Caitlin Sinclair Chappell is happy to be in New York as she works on her own writing and re-immerses herself in the comic book community. On top of working at Forbidden Planet, Caitlin writes about film, television, and comics with

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